Blog author jan-bim

Jan Bim

For several years, I have been involved in planning, coordinating, and executing marketing activities at and I am responsible for promoting the services, products, and software offered by my company. To better understand their features and benefits, I collaborate with the development team and the Customer Support Office. I utilize various strategies and marketing channels to reach potential customers and persuade them to purchase or subscribe. My responsibilities include creating marketing campaigns, writing marketing materials, managing social media and email marketing, and analyzing the market to understand the needs and preferences of target audiences. I have a strong grasp of technology and excel at communicating complex technical concepts to non-technical audiences.

Domains for technological start-ups and companies – part 1

Categories: Domains
Author: Jan Bim
When you establish a technological start-up or a company, you are probably interested to know whether the name of your firm is available in the .com domain. It is no wonder, as this is the most commonly selected extension, you may have a problem with registering the name you want to use with it. Or...

How to register a domain when you need an address in a given country

Categories: Guides
Author: Jan Bim
Have you ever tried to register an internet domain, but the registrar did not offer it in their service? Or they offered this option, but required having an administrative address within a territory of a specific country while not offering any solutions in this regard? Have you failed to register a domain name with the...

What to do when someone else is listed as the subscriber of your domain?

Categories: Guides
Author: Jan Bim
We will describe a fairly common issue in the domain world, which may also be affecting you. It concerns a situation where you once asked a friend, an IT specialist at work, or maybe a partner, to register an internet domain that you are using up to this day. Probably the domain registration went hand...