Domain .by - national domain: Belarus

How to register a .by internet domain?

  • Registration fee
    All registrations are currently suspended for .by TLD.
  • Renewal fee
  • Trade fee
    The owner change should be confirmed in writing by the current and future subscribers. The domain owner change does not extend its validity.
  • Transfer fee
    The domain transfer should be confirmed in writing by the current subscriber. The domain transfer does not extend its validity.
  • Minimum registration and renewal period
    1 anul
  • Restrictions

Belarusian domain information

In connection with Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions introduced from March 2022 until further notice, we do not offer new .by domain registrations or transfers. Renewals of domains registered so far will be processed as long as it is possible.

.by domain (Belarus) is available to all persons and entities outside the territory of Belarus. The chosen name may not infringe the rights of third parties, contain words and phrases inconsistent with moral and ethical standards, promote international hatred or hostility, or any other activities prohibited by the law of the Republic of Belarus.

If you wish to register a .by domain as a natural person, after placing the order, please send us the following additional information: identification number (such as your PESEL number), identity card number, issuing authority, and date when the document was issued.

By submitting a request to register a .by domain, you accept the terms of registration.

.by domains are deleted on their expiry date. Please pay for renewals of expiring domains well in advance to avoid losing your domain name.

Why should I buy a .by domain?

.by domain national extension of ccTLD (Top-Level Domain), i.e. the highest level, for the Republic of Belarus. It has been operating since May 10, 1994, and is administered by the Center for Operations and Analysis of the President of the Republic. Join thousand of subscribers and register your .by domain name.

Information about the .by domain registry

.by - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Belarus

The available domain TLDs: .by

Registry: The State Centre of Security Information of Belarus Republic


Public WHOIS server:

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