Domain - national domain: Cyprus

How to register a internet domain?

  • Registration fee
    $56,99 / year
    The registered domain name cannot constitute any third party's trademark. Domains are registered until the end of the current year, hence their expiration date is always December 31st, regardless of the month of the year in which they are registered.
  • Renewal fee
    $114,49 / year
  • Trade fee

    The Cyprian registry does not allow for a domain owner change. The only option is to delete the domain name and re-register for 2 years. It involves the possibility of losing the domain name at the risk of the subscriber. The domain owner change sets the validity of the domain just like for new domain registration. The additional fee for the local proxy service will be applied if will be required.

  • Transfer fee
    renewal included

    The Cyprian registry does not allow for a domain transfer. The only option is to delete the domain name and re-register for 2 years. It involves the possibility of losing the domain name at the risk of the subscriber. Transferring a domain sets the validity of the domain just like for new domain registration. The additional fee for the local proxy service will be applied if will be required.

  • Minimum registration and renewal period
    2 ani
  • Restrictions

Cypriot domain information

The domain is the country code second-level domain (ccTLD) designated for Cyprus. is primarily used for commercial entities. Notably, its registration is unrestricted for Cypriot entities. Other Second Level Domains under .cy include:

  • – Reserved for academic and research institutions.
  • – Intended for Internet or Network service providers.
  • – Designated for governmental institutions in Cyprus.
  • – Used by not-for-profit organizations.
  • – Meant for professional organizations.
  • – For natural persons.
  • – For organizations or individuals related to elections.
  • – For officially registered trademarks.
  • – For both private and public limited companies.
  • – For any other registered company.
  • – For organizations and entities connected to the press.
  • – Specifically for the Parliament of Cyprus and its associated entities.
  • – For the Central Bank of Cyprus.
  • – For the Ministry of Defence.

This domain structure ensures that various entities, from commercial to governmental, have a specific space in the Cypriot digital landscape.

Why should I buy a domain name?

Three compelling reasons to consider purchasing a domain name:

  1. Local Credibility and Trust. Owning a domain instantly establishes your business or brand as being affiliated with Cyprus. For local customers or stakeholders, this can foster a sense of trust and credibility, as they often prefer to engage with entities that have a local presence or connection.
  2. SEO Benefits for Local Searches. Search engines often prioritize local domain extensions when serving results for location-specific queries. By using a domain, your website may have a better chance of ranking higher in search results for users in Cyprus, leading to increased visibility and organic traffic.
  3. Availability and Branding. Given that .com domains are highly sought after and often unavailable, the extension offers a greater chance of securing your desired domain name. This can be especially beneficial for branding, allowing you to have a domain name that is both memorable and relevant to your target audience in Cyprus.

In summary, a domain can provide a strategic advantage for businesses or individuals looking to establish a strong online presence in Cyprus, offering local credibility, SEO benefits, and unique branding opportunities.

Cyprus domain information domain name is a second-level domain under the .cy country code top-level domain (ccTLD) designated for Cyprus. It is primarily used by commercial entities operating within the country. Registration for is unrestricted for Cypriot entities, making it a popular choice for businesses and brands looking to establish a strong online presence and credibility in the Cypriot market. domain is one of the most popular domain extensions in Cyprus and is one of the official domain names for Cyprus. It is a domain that is perfect for any business, organization or individual that is based in Cyprus or that wants to be recognized in the country. The domain price is very affordable and is ideal for anyone who wants to establish an online presence in Cyprus. The domain extension is also great for businesses that want to have a local presence and reach out to customers in Cyprus. The domain is easy to register and manage, and the price is very competitive compared to other domain extensions.

Everything that you should know about domain price domain is very popular in Cyprus and is used by many businesses, organizations and individuals. The domain is a great way to establish an online presence in Cyprus and is the perfect domain for anyone who wants to be recognized in the country. The domain price is very reasonable and is ideal for anyone looking to establish an online presence in Cyprus.

How to buy a domain in Cyprus? domain is available for registration from various domain registrars such as Let’s Domains. The domain extension is also available through international domain registrars. The registration process is simple and straightforward, and the domain can be registered within minutes. The domain renewal process is also easy and can be done online. The domain renewal fees are also very competitive and are usually lower than the registration fees.

Information about the domain registry - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Cyprus

The available domain TLDs:

Registry: University of Cyprus


Public WHOIS server: none

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