Domain .cu - national domain: Cuba
How to register a .cu internet domain?
Registration fee$1 099,99 / anul
Renewal fee$1 099,99 / anul
Transfer fee$1 099,99
Minimum registration and renewal period1 anul
Cuban domain information
.cu domains (Cuba) may currently be registered by economic entities from the territory of countries other than Cuba. Registration of .cu domains is not possible for natural persons.
Please note that registration of domains in the .cu extension may take up to about 4 months.
Why should I buy a .cu domain?
The service sector dominates in terms of the employment structure. Maybe it is time to register a .cu domain name and offer your services online in the Cuban market.
Information about the .cu domain registry
.cu - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Cuba
The available domain TLDs: .cu
Registry: CENIAInternet
Website: not available
Public WHOIS server: none