Domain .financial - New TLDs

How to register a .financial internet domain?

  • Registration fee
    $57,99 / anul
  • Renewal fee
    $57,99 / anul
  • Trade fee
  • Transfer fee
    renewal included
  • Reactivation fee
    Additional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date. Restore is possible only within 28 days thereafter.
  • Minimum registration and renewal period
    1 anul
  • Restrictions

Day traders, investors, analysts, banks, private student loan services, accountants, and budget software hosts can all find a home at .FINANCIAL. This TLD is suited for any individual, organization, or company that either helps others find the financing they seek, or specializes in asking investors to help start-up companies. .FINANCIAL is also well-suited for scholarship services, money magazines, and anyone who blogs about market trends and how to safely invest in stocks and bonds.

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