Domain .gay - New TLDs
How to register a .gay internet domain?
Registration fee$40,99 / anul
Renewal fee$40,99 / anul
Trade feegratuit
Transfer fee$40,99renewal included
Reactivation feegratuitAdditional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date. Restore is possible only within 28 days thereafter.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 anul
All communities want to expand their reach online. These communities, like the LGBT community, are going to get a boost with TLDs like .GAY. By providing an easily recognizable and unique extension, .GAY can serve any person, organization, or company that either advocates, represents, or belongs to the LGBT community, helping to bring this group together.
.gay is finally launching! The .gay TLD is a virtual pride flag for anyone and everyone. It is an open TLD, with some notable differences: 67% of the registry’s registration revenue is donated to LGBTQ organizations and there is a clear and enforceable policy against anti-LGBTQ content.