Domain .lk - national domain: Sri Lanka
How to register a .lk internet domain?
Registration fee$109,99 / anul
Renewal fee$109,99 / anul
Trade fee$109,99Domain owner change means deletion and new registration. The domain owner change results in setting a new domain expiration date from the assignment date, just like for new registration.
Transfer fee$54,99renewal not includedDomain transfer does not extend its validity.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 anul
Sri Lankan domain information
.lk (Sri Lanka) domains are currently available to entities from any country, local representation in Sri Lanka is not required. Domains are not available to natural persons.
Usually, the registration takes place directly in .lk, however, it is possible to simultaneously block the registration of the same name in the,, extensions (for an additional fee).
Each application for domain registration must include a justification for the choice of the given domain name. The applicant must prove that he/she is entitled to the given name, for example by having a trademark, and compliance with the name of the company or product. The names you select may not violate Sri Lankan law or domain registry regulations. Names submitted for registration are subject to approval by the domain registry each time.
Registered .lk domains must contain at least 4 characters. Two- and three-character domain registration is available at higher prices.
Why you should register a .lk domain name?
Sri Lanka is one of the largest tea producers. Almost 7% of tea comes from Sri Lanka. Maybe it is time to register a .lk domain name and start a tea business locally. If it is not time for tea, start a travel business. Sri Lanka is one of the most visited countries. Register a .lk domain name for hotels, bars, or restaurants.
Information about the .lk domain registry
.lk - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Sri Lanka
Available domain TLDs: .lk
Registry: Council for Information Technology
Public WHOIS server: none