Domain .organic - New TLDs

How to register a .organic internet domain?

  • Registration fee
    $95,99 / anul
  • Renewal fee
    $95,99 / anul
  • Trade fee
  • Transfer fee
    renewal included
  • Reactivation fee
    Additional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date. Restore is possible only within 28 days thereafter.
  • Minimum registration and renewal period
    1 anul
  • Restrictions

Organic sales topped $26 billion dollars in the United States, in 2010, and has been steadily increasing by 7% a year ever since, making it one of the most sought-after and demanded niche markets. .ORGANIC provides a credible, recognizable, and relevant TLD option for the organic industry, and because it may be registered by any individual, group, or business, it’s open to organic products of all varieties, from foods, household products, and beauty supplies, to fabrics, paints, and services.

Domains .organic have acceptable use and registration policies that impart guidelines on content. These are limited to content related to the agriculture, cosmetic and/or the food industry.

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