Domain .sg - national domain: Singapore
How to register a .sg internet domain?
Registration fee$68,49 / anul
Renewal fee$68,49 / anul
Trade fee$68,49The domain owner change must be confirmed by e-mail by both parties to the transaction. The domain owner change does not extend its validity.
Transfer fee$68,49renewal includedThe transfer procedure depends on the registrar where the domain is currently registered. Domain transfer extends the domain validity by 1 year.
Reactivation fee$68,49Additional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date (4 days before expiration date). Restore is possible only within 14 days thereafter.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 anul
Singaporean domain information
.sg domain (Singapore) name registration is automatic. Our partner from Singapore is entered as the domain administration contact, in accordance with the requirements of the .sg domain registry.
Please check the subscriber's data carefully, as they are verified by the registry and in the event of any irregularities, the operation of the domain name may be suspended.
Any change of the registrar to another one will require the indication of your own administrative contact in Singapore.
Why should you register a .sg domain name?
Singapore is one of the best places in the world to run a business. Register a .sg domain name and start a business abroad. Singapore is also a great place to offer your services. With a .sg domain name, it is easier than at any time before.
Information about the .sg domain registry
.sg - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Singapore
The available domain TLDs: .sg
Registry: Singapore Network Information Centre (SGNIC) Pte Ltd
Public WHOIS server: