Domain .shiksha - New TLDs
How to register a .shiksha internet domain?
Registration fee$27,49 / anul
Renewal fee$27,49 / anul
Trade feegratuit
Transfer fee$27,49renewal included
Reactivation feegratuitAdditional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date. Restore is possible only within 28 days thereafter.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 anul
“Shiksha,” a common word in the Hindi language, which is spoken by 490 million people worldwide, means education, learning, training, school, study, or teaching. As such, .SHIKSHA offers a place both hooked into the Indian subcontinent and culture, but also into the educational market niche. .SHIKSHA can be used by schools, institutions, learning centers, educational forums and blogs – any use that both helps define this TLD and reach-out to the Hindi-speaking community.