Domain .sn - national domain: Senegal
How to register a .sn internet domain?
Registration fee$109,99 / domains are available to companies and organizations from any country. You will be required to sign the registration form.
Renewal fee$109,99 / year
Transfer fee$109,99
Minimum registration and renewal period1 anul
Senegalese domain information
Companies and organizations from any country can register .sn domains. There is no requirement to have a local address in the Senegalese territory.
Registration of .sn domain names is not available to individuals.
Why should I buy a .sn domain?
The primary economic market in Senegal is agriculture. By registering a .sn domain name, you can join the companies in this branch. Choose a name and register a .sn domain name.
Information about the .sn domain registry
.sn - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Senegal
The available domain TLDs: .sn
Registry: Universite Cheikh Anta Diop
Public WHOIS server: none