Domain .tennis - New TLDs
How to register a .tennis internet domain?
Registration fee$82,49 / anul
Renewal fee$82,49 / anul
Trade feegratuit
Transfer fee$82,49renewal included
Reactivation feegratuitAdditional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date. Restore is possible only within 28 days thereafter.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 anul
Over 4 million recreational players enjoy the sport of tennis every year, and all over the world, people watch tennis, making this game an international pastime. .TENNIS provides a relevant, credible, and versatile TLD option for the online tennis world, encouraging better networking between tennis clubs, publications, equipment producers, instructors, players, leagues, and professional sponsorships. .TENNIS is available to any person, business, or group, for any reason, making it an accessible tennis TLD option.