Domain .tn - national domain: Tunisia
How to register a .tn internet domain?
Registration fee$137,49 / anulRegistration is open only to commercial entities located in Tunisia or foreign companies having a registered trademark valid in Tunisia.
Renewal fee$137,49 / anul
Transfer fee$137,49
Minimum registration and renewal period1 anul
Tunisian domain information
Entities outside of Tunisia may only register .tn domains if they own a Tunisian trademark of the same name. Registration is not available to individuals.
Registered .tn domain names may not infringe the rights of third parties and contain third-party trademarks.
Why should I buy a .tn domain?
.tn domain name will be the best choice for companies that have registered trademarks in Tunisia. If you have run your business in Tunisia, register a .tn domain name.
Information about the .tn domain registry
.tn - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Tunisia
The available domain TLDs: .tn
Registry: Agence Tunisienne d'Internet
Public WHOIS server: none