Domain .uz - national domain: Uzbekistan
How to register a .uz internet domain?
Registration fee$137,49 / anul
Renewal fee$137,49 / anul
Trade fee$109,99The domain owner change does not extend its validity.
Transfer fee$54,99renewal not includedThe domain transfer does not extend its validity.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 anul
Uzbekistani domain information
.uz domains (Uzbekistan) are available for registration to companies from any country. Registration time is approximately 5 business days.
Terms of registration and maintenance of .uz domains - link.
Why should I register a .uz domain name?
In Uzbekistan silk production, sheep breeding, and horticulture are well developed. To start a business in these branches, register a .uz domain name. Thank to registering a .uz domain name, you can start your business abroad.
Information about the .uz domain registry
.uz - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Uzbekistan
The available domain TLDs: .uz
Registry: Computerization and Information Technologies Developing Center
Public WHOIS server: