Domain .vn - national domain: Vietnam
How to register a .vn internet domain?
Registration fee$164,99 / anul
Renewal fee$164,99 / anul
Trade fee$219,99The domain owner change does not extend its validity.
Transfer fee$40,99renewal not includedThe domain transfer does not extend its validity.
Reactivation fee$68,49Additional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date (14 days before expiration date). Restore is possible only within 21 days thereafter.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 anul
Vietnamese domain information
.vn domains are available to registrants from any country. Registration of domains is also possible.
Please note that the sale and lease of .vn domains is prohibited under Vietnamese law. It is forbidden to register domains of a political nature or for pornographic content. Detailed regulations are available on the VNNIC website.
IMPORTANT. Each change of .vn domains delegation is payable.
Why should I buy a .vn domain?
Protect your brand and register your name in a .vn domain name. Vietnam is the second country in the world, after Brazil to grow coffee. Register your .vn domain name and start your coffee business.
Information about the .vn domain registry
.vn - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Vietnam
The available domain TLDs: .vn
Registry: Ministry of Post and Telematics
Public WHOIS server: none