Domain .wang - New TLDs
How to register a .wang internet domain?
Registration fee$18,99 / anul
Renewal fee$18,99 / anul
Trade feegratuit
Transfer fee$18,99renewal included
Reactivation feegratuitAdditional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date. Restore is possible only within 28 days thereafter.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 anul
“Wang” is a transliteration of the word, 网, a Mandarin character meaning “website” or “portal.” The implementation of a .WANG extension is meant to provide a domain space for Chinese users who are also fluent in a Latinate language, or are comfortable using Latin characters. .WANG provides an online hub for Chinese Internet users – who represent almost half of the Internet population – and is perfect for anyone who belongs to this community, whether as an individual, company, or organization.