Domain .au - national domain: Australia
How to register a .au internet domain?
Registration fee$54,99 / añ domain name registration is possible only for a business entity registered in Australia or a foreign entity having a registered trademark in Australia. The registered .au domain name must match the company's name, abbreviation or acronym, product or service, or trademark.
Renewal fee$54,99 / año
Trade fee$54,99The new subscriber must meet the requirements of the AU register, similar to the current one. The domain validity period starts anew after the owner change. The domain owner change results in setting a new domain expiration date from the owner change date, just like for new registration.
Transfer fee$13,49renewal not includedDomain transfer does not extend its validity.
Reactivation fee$137,49Additional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date (30 days before expiration date). Restore is possible only within 40 days thereafter.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 año
Australian domain information
.au domain (Australia) may only be registered by:
- Australian citizen,
- permanent resident with a visa,
- a company or non-governmental organization registered in Australia,
- a foreign entity with a trademark registered in Australia.
The registered .au domain name for the Australian entity must match the company's name, abbreviation, or acronym, or it must be the name of the product or service offered by the registrant (in which case additional justification is required).
When registering a .au domain under an Australian trademark in favor of a foreign entity, both registered and pending marks are accepted. In such cases, the domain name must match the trademark, its abbreviation, or its acronym.
We do not offer local contact for .au domains, a registrant must comply with all of the above. criteria. Companies can also register a name with the extension.
Why should I buy a .au domain name?
Buying a .au domain name can be particularly beneficial for several reasons, especially if your business or website is targeting the Australian market:
- A .au domain establishes a strong local presence in Australia, indicating that your business is local, which can help build trust with Australian customers.
- Websites with a .au domain are likely to rank higher in Australian search engine results, improving visibility for users searching locally and leading to increased traffic and potential business.
- Having a .au domain can enhance your credibility and professionalism, showing that you are committed to serving the Australian community or market.
- Registering your brand with a .au extension helps protect your brand name and identity within the Australian market.
- A .au domain signals to customers that your content, products, and services are relevant and tailored to the Australian audience.
If your business operations, target audience, or market interests are in Australia, having a .au domain can significantly contribute to your online identity and marketing efforts.
Australian domain information
.au domain is Australia's country code top-level domain (ccTLD), established in 1986. Managed by .au Domain Administration (auDA), it signifies a connection to Australia, and is widely used across the country. The domain follows strict registration criteria, ensuring relevance and authenticity for Australian entities. Available registrations include various second-level domains like for commercial entities and for non-profits. In 2022, direct second-level registrations, like, were introduced, broadening options for local presence online.
Everything that you should know about .au domain price
The .au domain is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Australia. This means that it is the designated internet extension for websites and webpages associated with Australia. Every country has its ccTLD, and for Australia, it is .au. The domain name system (DNS) is a hierarchical naming system that assigns unique names to each entity connected to the internet. These names, known as domain names, are then used to identify and locate websites. In simple terms, a domain name is what you type into your web browser to access a website.
When it comes to the price of .au domains, there are a few important things that you should know. The price of a .au domain can also vary depending on the type of domain that you want. There are different categories of .au domains, including,,, and The most commonly used and recognized domain is, which is primarily used for commercial purposes. The prices for these domains may differ slightly, so it is important to consider which category best suits your website's purpose before purchasing.
Another factor that can affect the price of a .au domain is its renewal period. Most registrars offer domain registration for a minimum of one year, but you can also choose to register your domain for multiple years at a time. The longer the renewal period, the higher the price may be. However, some registrars may offer discounts for longer renewal periods, so it is worth exploring your options.
It is also important to keep in mind that the price of a .au domain may not be a one-time fee. You will need to renew your domain periodically to maintain ownership and keep your website active. The renewal price may be the same or slightly higher than the initial registration price, so it is important to factor this into your budget when considering the cost of a .au domain.
In conclusion, the price of a .au domain can vary depending on the registrar, type of domain, renewal period, and any additional services that you may require. It is important to do your research and compare prices to ensure that you are getting the best deal for your .au domain. Remember to also factor in the cost of renewals to accurately budget for your domain expenses. With this knowledge, you can make an informed decision about the cost of your .au domain and ensure that your website has a strong online presence.
How to buy a domain in Australia?
To buy a domain in Australia, start by choosing a registrar accredited by auDA, the governing body for .au domains. Search for your desired .au domain name to ensure it's available. If it is, follow the registrar's process to register it, providing necessary personal or business information. Note that specific .au domains, like or, have eligibility criteria. Complete the purchase and set up the domain with your hosting provider. Remember to renew it as needed to maintain ownership.
Information about the .au domain registry - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Australia
The available domain TLDs:
Registry: .au Domain Administration (auDA)
Public WHOIS server: