Domain .be - national domain: Belgium
How to register a .be internet domain?
Registration fee$16,49 / año
Renewal fee$16,49 / año
Trade fee$16,49The domain owner change is paid and it is completed automatically by the registry. Domain owner change sets a new domain expiration date from the owner change date, just like for new registration.
Transfer fee$16,49renewal includedThe domain transfer is completed immediately, no additional confirmation is required. Domain owner change sets a new domain expiration date from the owner change date, just like for new registration.
Reactivation fee$68,49Additional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date (4 days before expiration date). Restore is possible only within 14 days thereafter.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 año
Belgian domain information
Register your .be domain (Belgium) name today! Registration of .be domain names is possible without restrictions and available for legal persons and legal entities. Choose your domain name and register the .be domain online.
Who should buy a .be domain name?
Thanks to registering the .be domain name you can be present online for your Belgian customers and the local community. Belgium is a great country if your business is strongly connected with beer or sweets. The .be domain will be a good solution if you want to place your eCommerce store in the fashion or electronic and media industry.
Information about the .be domain registry
.be - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Belgium
The available domain TLDs: .be
Registry: DNS BE vzw/asbl
Public WHOIS server: none