Domain .mobi - gTLD

How to register a .mobi internet domain?

  • Registration fee
    $47,49 / año
  • Renewal fee
    $47,49 / año
  • Trade fee
    The domain owner change does not extend its validity.
  • Transfer fee
    renewal included
    The transfer can be made no sooner than 60 days from the date of domain registration or its previous transfer. The transfer extends the validity period of the domain by 1 year and is a paid operation, which means that your pre-paid balance must have sufficient funds. The domain must be unlocked for transfer (cannot be in REGISTRAR-LOCK status). If the domain has been reactivated after it has expired in the last 60 days, no additional validity year will be charged.
  • Reactivation fee
    Additional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date. Restore is possible only within 28 days thereafter.
  • Minimum registration and renewal period
    1 año
  • Restrictions

.mobi domain information

Register your .mobi domain online, without any additional requirements, .mobi domains were introduced only in 2006, but over a million have already been registered. The mobile technology market is developing at a much faster pace than the traditional computer market, which means that websites adapted to popular cells appear more and more often. Domains are also growing in value ( sold for $ 200,000). It's a good idea to register your name in .mobi.

Who should register .mobi domain name?

If you would like to mark your presence in the mobile world, i.e. for your app, for a food truck site, register your .mobi domain name.

Information about the .mobi domain registry

.mobi - sponsored top-level domain (sTLD)

The available domain TLDs: .mobi

Registry: mTLD Top Level Domain Limited dba dotMobi


Public WHOIS server:

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