Domain .sk - national domain: Slovakia
How to register a .sk internet domain?
Registration fee$21,99 / anul
Renewal fee$49,49 / anul
Trade fee$21,99The domain owner change does not extend its validity.
Transfer fee$21,99renewal includedThe domain transfer extends its validity for 1 year. The authinfo code is required.
Reactivation feegratuitAdditional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date (4 days before expiration date). Restore is possible only within 14 days thereafter.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 anul
Slovak domain information
Any person or company from any country in the world can become a subscriber of a .sk domain, as long as they can provide a delivery address in the territory of any country within the European Union, the European Economic Community (EEC), and the European Economic Area (EEA).
Since April 2021, we are a directly accredited .sk domain registrar. Accordingly, we will transfer older registered domains for direct accreditation when they are renewed.
Why should I buy a .sk domain name?
Purchasing a .sk domain name can be beneficial for several reasons. If you're doing business in Slovakia or targeting the Slovak market, a .sk domain can help establish your local presence and credibility. It shows your commitment to local customers and can improve your search engine ranking for local queries. Additionally, SK-NIC, the administrator of .sk domains, boasts a 100% DNS availability rate, ensuring reliable access to your website. With a large number of accredited registrars, you also have a wide range of choices for domain registration services. Lastly, owning a .sk domain can help protect your brand name within the Slovak market.
Slovakian domain information
.sk domain is the internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Slovakia. It is managed by SK-NIC a.s., which has been recognized by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority as the delegated manager of .SK since the mid-1990s. In 2006, SK-NIC transferred some of the competencies of domain administration to the State and submitted to service requirements and a policy-making committee comprising representatives of the internet community and the Government.
SK-NIC is notable for being the country-code Top Level Domain registry in Europe with the most resellers, having over 5900 accredited registrars at its peak in Slovakia. All staff and technology used by SK-NIC are situated in Slovakia, where it boasts a 100% DNS availability rate.
In December 2017, CentralNic, a company based in the Netherlands, acquired SK-NIC. Before Slovakia became an independent country in 1993, the former Czechoslovakia used the domain .cs.
Everything that you should know about .sk domain price
A .sk domain name is a top-level domain name used in Slovakia. It is often used to identify websites that are specific to the country and is among the most popular domains in the region. If you are looking to create a website for a business or organization in Slovakia, then a .sk domain name may be the best option.
The .sk domain name is regulated by the Slovakian government and requires registration with the domain registrar in order to be used. The cost of registering a .sk domain name depends on the registrar but typically ranges between $10 and $30 per year. It is important to note that the cost may vary depending on the length of the domain name and the number of years for which it is registered.
When registering a .sk domain name, the registrant must provide contact information and agree to certain policies. This includes agreeing to abide by the rules set forth by the Slovakian government. Additionally, the registrant must provide proof of identity and address.
In order to keep a .sk domain name active, it must be renewed annually. The registrant will be sent a renewal notice prior to the domain name’s expiration date. Failure to renew the domain name will result in its deletion from the registry.
The .sk domain name offers many advantages for businesses and organizations in Slovakia. It is a recognizable domain name that can help to increase the visibility of a website and its associated brand. It can also be used to target a specific audience and is often more affordable than other domain names.
How to buy a domain in Slovakia?
Buying a .sk domain, the internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Slovakia, is simple. You can purchase a .sk domain from any domain registrar that offers them. Visit the Let’s Domains website, search for your desired .sk domain to check its availability, and follow the site's instructions to purchase it. Keep in mind that while the .sk domain is the ccTLD for Slovakia, you do not need to be a resident or have a business in Slovakia to register a .sk domain. After purchasing, you may need to configure your domain settings to point to your website's hosting provider. Always remember to renew your domain registration before it expires to maintain ownership.
Information about the .sk domain registry
.sk - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Slovakia
The available domain TLDs: .sk
Registry: SK-NIC, a.s.
Public WHOIS server: none