
Domains for education

Categories: Domains
The academic year is fast approaching. It is an excellent (and last) moment to register a new domain related to education. Below, we collected several proposals available in our range – you will definitely find something for you. For Polish schools – a domain We open the list of domains for education with our...

Domains for technological start-ups and companies – part 1

Categories: Domains
When you establish a technological start-up or a company, you are probably interested to know whether the name of your firm is available in the .com domain. It is no wonder, as this is the most commonly selected extension, you may have a problem with registering the name you want to use with it. Or...

How to register a domain when you need an address in a given country

Categories: Guides
Have you ever tried to register an internet domain, but the registrar did not offer it in their service? Or they offered this option, but required having an administrative address within a territory of a specific country while not offering any solutions in this regard? Have you failed to register a domain name with the...

What to do when someone else is listed as the subscriber of your domain?

Categories: Guides
We will describe a fairly common issue in the domain world, which may also be affecting you. It concerns a situation where you once asked a friend, an IT specialist at work, or maybe a partner, to register an internet domain that you are using up to this day. Probably the domain registration went hand...

How do domain appraisal services work and is it worth using them when selling a domain?

Categories: Tips & tricks
Have you ever wondered how much your internet domain might be worth? Perhaps while looking for an answer to this question, you have come across services that offer help and appraise domains? Or maybe you just found out about their existence now? In this article, we touched upon issues related to domain appraisal and explained...

How to choose profitable markets for your company's foreign expansion?

Categories: Domains
Foreign expansion should result from the natural course of things for your company. It should be the next logical stage in the company's development. The first step I recommend to clients before taking action related to entering foreign markets is to study the company's preparation for international expansion.Each department and all staff must have knowledge,...

What to do if your registrar ceases to exist?

Categories: Domains
While it does not happen often, sometimes domain registrars go bankrupt or violate the terms of cooperation – they are not able to continue providing their services and leave their subscribers without support. What will you do if one day you want to visit your website and it turns out impossible due to the lack...

How is it done? The life cycle of domain names

Categories: Guides
Everything has its beginning and end including the domain name. Depending on the suffix, domain names differ in their life cycle, i.e. from the time of registration to the time they are released. Some domain names last longer and the rules for their renewal are friendlier for those slightly absent-minded. In other cases, any late...

How to use the .eu domain in business?

Categories: Domains
Choosing the right domain name – the key to success Choosing a domain name (i.e. the address displayed in the browser) is one of the most important business decisions when you decide to run an online business. Regardless of the type of industry you intend to operate in, it is the domain name that can...

How registering a domain will help you secure your brand in foreign markets

Categories: Guides
If your business only operates locally, you may be missing out on many lucrative business opportunities. It also limits your chances for development and conquering new markets – who knows, maybe Czechs or Italians will love your product? So how to invite such business opportunities and further develop your brand? One of the first steps...