Domain .jetzt - New TLDs

How to register a .jetzt internet domain?

  • Registration fee
    $26,49 / year
  • Renewal fee
    $26,49 / year
  • Trade fee
    free of charge
  • Transfer fee
    renewal included
  • Reactivation fee
    free of charge
    Additional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date. Restore is possible only within 28 days thereafter.
  • Minimum registration and renewal period
    1 year
  • Restrictions

The Internet has enabled fast access to relevant and necessary information. In order to directly distribute the up-to-date content to consumers looking for, .JETZT provides a unique and recognizable namespace. “Jetzt” means “now” in German, and is perfect for any business, group, or individual specializing in fields that rely on constant updating. With this recognizable TLD, bloggers, storefronts, forums, publications, and newsfeeds are better able to connect with their target demographic.

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