Domain .plus - New TLDs

How to register a .plus internet domain?

  • Registration fee
    $42,99 / year
  • Renewal fee
    $42,99 / year
  • Trade fee
    free of charge
  • Transfer fee
    renewal included
  • Reactivation fee
    free of charge
    Additional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date. Restore is possible only within 28 days thereafter.
  • Minimum registration and renewal period
    1 year
  • Restrictions

Both Google and Donuts have applied for the .PLUS extension, and depending on who ends up administering the TLD, the use of this namespace will differ. If Google administers .PLUS, it will be used as an extension of Google + services, and offered to those who belong to the Google + personal and business networks. If Donuts administers the TLD, .PLUS will become an open registry, available to anyone, and might be perfect for companies offering perks, second-editions, or new features.

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