Domain - national domain: Oman
How to register a internet domain?
Registration fee$549,99 / yearRegistration of a domain name is only possible for companies based in Oman or through a local agent. Requires delivery of a power of attorney for an agent legalized by the Oman consulate.
Renewal fee$549,99 / year
Trade fee$549,99The domain owner change does not extend its validity.
Transfer fee$137,49renewal not includedDomain transfer does not extend its validity.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 year
Omani domain information domains are being registered, and direct .om domain registrations are allowed.
Domains are registered only for business entities registered with the Ministry of Commerce of the Sultanate of Oman. It is possible to register for a foreign entity through a local agent.
In the case of registration before an entity outside of Oman, it is necessary to grant a power of attorney to register and manage the selected domain name for the benefit of a local agent, whose services are included in the price of domain registration and maintenance. The power of attorney must be legalized at the Oman consulate.
The domain name selected must be closely related to the registrant's name, trademark, or product name. It may not be a generic name (e.g. internet) or in any way conflict with the law or customs prevailing in Oman. A declaration of the relationship between the registered name and the registrant and supporting documents may be required.
The domain registration process in Oman is complex and takes approximately 20 business days.
Why should I register a domain name?
Oman is still growing in many branches and by registering a domain name you can start a business in Oman. Register a domain name and create new online space.
Information about the domain registry - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Oman
The available domain TLDs: .om
Registry: Oman Telecommunications Company
Public WHOIS server: none