Domain .inc - New TLDs
How to register a .inc internet domain?
Registration fee$3 167,99 / year
Renewal fee$3 167,99 / year
Trade feefree of charge
Transfer fee$3 167,99renewal included
Reactivation feefree of chargeAdditional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date. Restore is possible only within 28 days thereafter.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 year
For businesses that are incorporated, or for businesses looking to become incorporated, .INC provides a new go-to hub on the Web. .INC creates a viable and relevant namespace for incorporations. .INC allows businesses to find credible, up-to-date information about how to become incorporated and what legal rights and responsibilities come with an incorporation, making .INC the perfect TLD for attorneys, CPAs, advisors, investors, business writers, and anyone else who helps businesses get inc’d.