Domain .nl - national domain: Netherlands

How to register a .nl internet domain?

  • Registration fee
    $14,49 / year
  • Renewal fee
    $14,49 / year
  • Trade fee
    The domain owner change is payable, but it does not change the domain validity period.
  • Transfer fee
    renewal included
    The domain transfer takes up to 5 days and is carried out provided it is not rejected by the previous registrar. Domain owner change sets a new domain expiration date from the owner change date, just like for new registration.
  • Reactivation fee
    Additional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date (8 days before expiration date). Restore is possible only within 14 days thereafter.
  • Minimum registration and renewal period
    1 year
  • Restrictions

Dutch domain information

.nl domains are available without restrictions regarding their names, also for foreign entities.

To register a .nl domain, the administrative contact for the domain is required to have a physical address on the territory of Holland. However, in the price of domain registration and maintenance, we offer a trustee service — that is, we provide the required local address for each registered .nl domain. This means that the domain can be registered by any person and company of any country.

Why should I buy .nl domain?

The ccTLD national extension for the Kingdom of the Netherlands, administered by the Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland since 1986. The .nl domain was one of the first domains registered outside the United States. Register your .nl domain name to be present on the Netherland market.

Information about the .nl domain registry

.nl - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): The Netherlands

The available domain TLDs: .nl

Registry: Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland


Public WHOIS server:

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