Domain .pm - national domain: Saint Pierre and Miquelon

How to register a .pm internet domain?

  • Registration fee
    $31,99 / year
  • Renewal fee
    $31,99 / year
  • Transfer fee
  • Reactivation fee
    Additional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date (4 days before expiration date). Restore is possible only within 14 days thereafter.
  • Minimum registration and renewal period
    1 year
  • Restrictions

Saint Pierrais and Miquelonnais domain information

Saint Pierre and Miquelon is an overseas property in France, located in the Atlantic Ocean in North America, off the southern coast of Newfoundland. The assigned .pm domain (Saint Pierre and Miquelon) is managed by the French AFNIC registry.

From December 6, 2011, the .pm domain is available to natural persons and business entities with a registered address in any country of the European Union. In the case of natural persons, in order to register .pm domains, the country and date of birth of the subscriber must be additionally provided.

Why should I buy a .pm domain name?

Because a .pm domain name is a shorter form of a Project Manager term, the .pm domain is often chosen by project managers to show their professional experience. If you would like to run a travel agency, you have a hotel on Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, you also should register your name in a .pm domain name.

Information about the .pm domain registry

.pm - country code top-level domain name (ccTLD): Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
Available domain TLDs: .pm
Registry: AFNIC (NIC France) - Immeuble International
Public WHOIS server:

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