Domain .集团 - New TLDs
How to register a .集团 internet domain?
Registration fee$824,99 / year
Renewal fee$824,99 / year
Trade feefree of charge
Transfer fee$824,99renewal included
Reactivation feefree of chargeAdditional restore fee is due on the domain renewal date. Restore is possible only within 28 days thereafter.
Minimum registration and renewal period1 year
.集团 domain information
.xn--3bst00m domain name, also known as .集团 in Chinese script, is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) that translates to ".group" or ".conglomerate" in English. This unique domain name is designed for businesses, organizations, and corporations who want to establish a distinctive online presence, particularly in regions where Chinese script is prevalent.
The .集团 domain name is an excellent choice for large corporations, business groups, and conglomerates. It's a clear indicator to users that the website they're visiting is related to a large business group or corporation, making it a powerful tool for businesses that want to establish their corporate identity and engage with their stakeholders.
This domain name allows entities to connect with their audience in their native language, enhancing user trust and engagement. It's a symbol of authenticity and credibility, providing a unique identity in the digital world. Moreover, it offers a great opportunity to secure a domain name that may already be taken in more common TLDs like .com or .corp.
In summary, the .集团 domain name is a culturally relevant way to stand out in the crowded online space, reach your target audience more effectively, and clearly communicate your website's corporate identity. It's a perfect choice for any business group or corporation looking to make a strong impression in the Chinese-speaking market.
Information about the .集团 domain registry
.集团 - sponsored top-level domain name (sTLD)
Available domain TLDs: .集团
Registry: not published
Website: not published
Public WHOIS server: none